Ensure that every student can identify and is connected with a caring adult in their life.
Every student is connected to a caring adult in their life
Caring adults are given training and resources to better support their student
Students feel supported, connected, and cared for. They have tools to overcome challenges
The Project
We asked students who they feel connected to, and if you’re here it’s because you’ve been identified as a caring adult in a student’s life and are invited to access free resources. A caring adult is someone a student would go to if they had a problem or needed advice. This project is in partnership with four Boston Public Schools: Dearborn STEM 6-12, Josiah Quincy Upper School, Fenway High School, and Boston Arts Academy.
The Caring Community Project is created by the Shah Family Foundation in partnership with schools in Boston Public Schools to foster caring adult relationships for every student.
Making Caring Common, a project of the Harvard Graduate School of Education served as project advisors and wrote many of the educator resources on this website.
Editorial, design, and financial support were provided by the Shah Family Foundation.