Ensure that every student can identify and is connected with a caring adult in their life.

Caring Community Project

We asked students who they feel connected to, and if you’re here it’s because you’ve been identified as a caring adult in a student’s life and are invited to access free resources.

This project is in partnership with four Boston Public Schools: Dearborn STEM 6-12, Josiah Quincy Upper School, Fenway High School, and Boston Arts Academy.

Who is a caring adult?

A caring adult is someone a student would go to if they had a problem or needed advice.

What is this resource site?

Congratulations! If you found yourself on this site, it’s because you’re a caring adult in a student’s life. As part of the Caring Community Project, free resources are available to support your relationship with your student on topics like mental health and postsecondary pathways.

Community Caring Adults

Students often seek advice or support with a problem from caring adults in their life at home and in the community. If you’re a caring adult to a student, check out these resources to support your conversations with youth.

School Caring Adults

Students may seek advice and support with problems from caring adults in the school community. If you’re a school caring adult, check out the resources to support relationship building, mental health, and postsecondary conversations with students.